Dear visitor, thank you for your interest in our company and for visiting our site. Please be advised that for any and all visitors on our site we collect the following information:

Business privacy policy

Bocti uses your information for its personal recruitment, advertisement and outreach. This privacy policy states the solemn use of your data for Bocti is of professional use. We shall always work towards improving the quality of our website content and user friendliness for a better user experience. None of the information that you disclose, save or send will be used in any way by a third party. At no point in this website will Bocti ask for banking information or payment fees. If any personal information is disclosed on this website, it willbe collected and used on the basis of this statement.We will not share your private details with any outside organization for commercial purposes, though we may share it for tracking and other non-commercial purposes(E-newsletters and other online promotional ads etc.). We do not set any cookies for any purpose. If you are currently receiving a newsletter or emails from us and would like to stop receiving them, please notify us by contacting us via e-mail, fax or phone.

Links to other websites

Our website contains links to other websites outlining our clients. Once you use these links and leave our site, it is important for you to note that we do not have any control over other websites. Any information that you provide to any of those links is beyond our control, and we are thus not responsible for your privacy. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the visited websites. This privacy statement only covers Bocti's webpage and information provided to its site.